Friends of San Lorenzo Creek

Restoration and Enhancement Projects
in San Lorenzo Creek Watershed

(Listed chronologically)

Castro Valley Creek Daylighting (portion) (2007) — Part of development of new library.

Action Plan for San Lorenzo Creek Watershed (2005) — focus of the plan will be on improving the quality of the water in the creeks.

Bayland Habitat Enhancement (2005) — a conceptual design of the wetland at the mouth of San Lorenzo Creek to improve existing habitat of native wildlife and encourage linkages to adjacent habitats.

Fish Passage Resting Pools (2005) — identification of resting locations for steelhead trout migrating upstream in the concrete channel of the creek below Foothill Blvd.

San Lorenzo Creek - Hayward Segment Greenway (2003 - 2004) — a conceptual design project based on public meetings.

San Lorenzo Creek - Eden UCC Project — begun in 2001.

Sediment Reduction and Habitat Enhancement (2001-2004) — demonstration projects on Palomares, Cull Canyon, and Eden Canyon creeks.

Castro Valley Creek Bank Stabilization (portion) (1989)

(Updated July 9, 2009)